Do you know these home remedies to fight dandruff?

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Do you know these home remedies to fight dandruff?

Dandruff is quite a common problem and really many people have problems with them. Where does it come from? How to fight it? In this article we will discuss how to get rid of this white enemy with home remedies. Use them and find out that they work. 

Dandruff – what exactly is it?

Dandruff is a scalp disease that manifests itself as characteristic white scales on the hair. The epidermal cells divide and multiply so quickly that, as a result, they also flake off quickly. The problem is very visible not only to the person struggling with dandruff, but also to those around him. The causes of dandruff can be various. These include, for example, improper care of the scalp (washing hair too infrequently, inaccurate rinsing of cleansing products), overuse of styling cosmetics, use of too hot a blow dryer, improper diet, hormonal disorders, stress, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. Dandruff can be: dry or greasy on the scalp, or scabby and pink Gilbert’s dandruff occurring on the trunk.

How to fight dandruff? Home remedies

In pharmacies, drugstores and stores we have a range of anti-dandruff products and those designed to combat already present dandruff. These are primarily fungicidal, anti-seborrheic and keratolytic preparations. In addition, we can get rid of this problem with home remedies. Which ones? About this below!

Olive oil or oil

Twice a week, let’s perform a 10-minute scalp massage with heated – but not hot – olive oil (or lemon or lavender oil). Finally, rinse everything off with a mild shampoo and you’re done. Castor oil will also work well, which is applied to a clean scalp, wrapped in a towel, and then carefully washed off with shampoo.

Herbal rinse

We need an infusion of mint, nettle, thyme or lemon balm. After cooling, we apply it to the already washed scalp and leave it like this until the next wash. We don’t rinse anything off.

Baking soda

Baking soda has a wide range of uses, one of which is to use it as an exfoliant and white flake cleanser.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon

Great properties have apple cider vinegar, or rather a rinse made from it. Two tablespoons of vinegar are poured into a glass of lukewarm water, and the next step is to pour this concoction over our hair (clean). If the problem of dandruff is severe, let’s rub a little of the concoction in after washing.

As for the lemon, on the other hand, here the easiest way is to cut it in half and massage your scalp with such pieces for a few minutes, and finally wash your hair with shampoo.


Finally, one more home remedy for dandruff. It will work especially well for oily hair. First separate the yolk from the white, then whisk the white, and then gently mix it with the yolk left before. The mixture is applied to the scalp for half an hour, after which time it is washed off.

Which of these methods will you use on your head? Remember that regularity is always the most important thing. Without it, we won’t move. Only when we use specific methods regularly can we count on visible – and long-lasting – results.

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