5 DIY ideas for using plastic packaging

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5 DIY ideas for using plastic packaging

Do you have piles of plastic packaging at home that you don’t know what to do with? See how to creatively use seemingly unnecessary things and give them a second life.

Even if we try to live as ecologically as possible and are guided by the idea of caring for the environment, it is very difficult to get away from plastics altogether. Many everyday products, such as cosmetics or food, are still packed exclusively in disposable plastic boxes. However, there is a remedy for this. Find out how you can reuse this type of packaging – here are 5 DIY ideas starring plastic.


1. Trinket container

The easiest way to upcycle or reuse plastic packaging is to turn it into containers for storing things. This solution seems obvious because of its compatibility with the original purpose of the containers.

After all, something was in them before, so nothing stands in the way of keeping other objects, such as buttons, vacation souvenirs or jewelry, instead of ice-cream or butter. Just let your imagination run wild and decorate them beautifully, preferably according to their contents.

2. Flower pot

A great trick with plastic packaging is to turn it into a flower pot. This way, instead of buying new, also made of plastic home accessories, you can create them yourself.

It’s a good idea to think in advance about the exact plant you want to put in the pot. Succulents, for example, will work great in this place. Paint the box with acrylic paint or wrap it in colorful fabric or string to make it look good.

3. Moneybox

Now, it’s time for a proposition for slightly smaller kids – moneybox. It is worth to encourage children to help with this task. Not only it will be a great fun for them, but also the lesson of ecology and saving money. As far as the design is concerned, nothing limits us – a classic piggy bank or one resembling a different animal can be made out of plastic packaging.

In order to make a moneybox, you will need artistic accessories, such as scissors, glue, paints or colored paper. Nothing stands in the way of making also a version for adults, which will be used to collect savings for a dream trip or other important purpose.

4. Pencil holder

Another project using plastic packaging is a pencil holder to put on your desk. It can hold pens, or in the case of children, crayons and other school supplies. Here, choose a slightly taller container, such as a plastic bottle, which after cutting off the top will take the shape of a cup. Then just cover the container with a durable material, for example, patterned fabric.

5. Gift box

When you buy a gift for someone, you often wonder how to wrap it nicely. Of course, you can buy a ready-made bag or cardboard box, but why not make one yourself? To do this, first you need to find a box of appropriate size, preferably with a lid, and then decorate it with fabric and such decorations as beads or bows. With a little ingenuity, you can get a really great effect. Making part of the gift yourself will definitely be appreciated

Main Photo: Julia M Cameron/pexels.com

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